Rick Holt's Adventures in Vietnam
Letters Home from Vietnam, 1971

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Long Thanh North
October 1, 1971
8 pm

Dear Folks,

I'm on one hour standby for the mission to Nui Ba Den. Hope I don't have to fly tonight. I could use some sleep.

We got the official word today that we are now 1st Signal Brigade Aviation Detachment. I'll enclose a copy of the orders.

Got two letters, a birthday card from Aunt Vick, a birthday card from Tom Kelm and also a postcard from Kelm saying he was on vacation. It was from some brewery he visited. Got that picture of Nixon pulling the troops out of Vietnam. I liked it so much I taped it on a piece of paper with the caption and put it on the wall. Lots of laughs from that one.

Wish this mission would hurry up and end. Have to get back out on the burm. I'm fading.

That's it for now. I mentioned in my letter earlier today that I mailed $600 home this morning.


(read the next letter home)