Rick Holt's Adventures in Vietnam
Letters Home from Vietnam, 1971

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Vung Tau
July 23, 1971
7 pm

Dear Folks,

Had a plane come up today with three more radio banks and my mail. We sent two good banks back on that plane and kept the other good one we have for making checks on the other banks.

21 letters, a tape and a lesson returned from USAFI made up my stock of mail.

After putting them in order by postmark I sat down to read all the letters. I borrowed a cassette player to listen to the tape during lunch.

Hope I get back to Long Thanh before all the stuff in that package melts.

I guess it's getting pretty close to your vacation time. Hope you have some nice weather.

To answer one question in the letters. Burm detail is working on our perimeter defenses. The burm is the pile of dirt which surrounds the base. Burm detail can be anything from building bunkers to cutting grass or laying barbed wire.

Happy Birthday to everyone who had a birthday this month that I forgot to say Happy Birthday to on time.

Well, it's getting too dark to write. No lights in this part of the barracks.

Your hero, hoho.


(read the next letter home)