Rick Holt's Adventures in Vietnam
Letters Home from Vietnam, 1971

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Long Thanh North
May 28, 1971
9:30 pm

Dear Folks,

This has been a rather full day. I had to go to Avionics early -- oops! That was yesterday. Done lost track of time. This morning I went to work at the usual time. No work. Just sat and read a little more of Dr Peales philosophy.

Last night we all of the sudden became security conscious. For 8 months our crypto gear has been kept in the conex outside of the hanger without a guard on it. Yesterday it was decided that we'll have to have a 24 hour guard until they get a more secure place. I had guard from 12 pm to 6 pm this afternoon. Got a nice dose of sunshine sitting in an old U-21 VIP chair on top of the conex.

Seacord went with Davis to Long Binh and got a safe which will be kept in the company 'operations' room which is open 24 hours a day. as soon as we move the equipment into the safe we won't have to pull guard on the conex.

Had chicken and mashed potatoes with gravy for supper. Sat around for a while and digested my food then went for a jog out to the back gate. Duff was just getting back from his run when I was getting started. He snuck out without me, so I ran by myself today.

Got two letters today. You mentioned getting slides. I guess by the time you get this letter you'll have the tape I sent the same day. As I remember right that was a pretty lively tape.

Everythin's lookin' up


(read the next letter home)