Rick Holt's Adventures in Vietnam
Letters Home from Vietnam, 1971

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Long Thanh North
November 11, 1971
9:30 am

Dear Folks,

Yesterday I was thinking about all kinds of things I should write about, but I can't think of them this morning.

I just gave Hoffman $12. He's going up to the orderly room and get me a copy of the company year book. Last month we had some gooks running around taking pictures. That's really a little expensive considering that I haven't seen it yet and don't know what I'm buying. I only remember them taking one picture of me.

We've got circuit breaker problems in our hooch. For the last month Hoffman's side of the room kept losing their electricity every time somebody slammed the door. So some gooks fixed it yesterday by moving the wires around so that we had the weak circuit on our side of the room. So now it still pops but instead of Hoffman's lights going out, my lights go out. The gooks we're just back this morning and we had them put in a new circuit breaker. One good thing about it though. My refrig got defrosted last night when the circuit breaker popped after I fell asleep.

Hoffman just brought back the yearbook. I'll look it over and send it home. My picture is in it in a couple places.

We rearranged the room a little. I'm still in the same place. But Instines move his stuff over against the back wall. That gives us a little more room. It doesn't seem so crowded now.

Instines mentioned that he might want to trade his portable record player for my refrig. It would be a lot easier to send a record player than a refrig so I think I might trade. The record player actually cost more new than the refrig.

I sent some slides yesterday. I hope you got them.


(read the next letter home)