Rick Holt's Adventures in Vietnam
Letters Home from Vietnam, 1971

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Long Thanh North
May 31, 1971
9:30 pm

Dear Folks,

Number 1 day. Started off with guard on the conex from 6 am to 12 noon. That was Duff's shift but I took it for him so he could go to the dispensary for his toe. Nothing broken, just a bad sprain. He relieved me at 12 and took my regular shift for 12 to 6 pm. So it works out even anyway.

Got word this evening that we're on standby for a mission from 1800 today till 1200 tomorrow. In typical army fashion we didn't find out about it till 2000 this evening. So I went to 038 and put a radio bank in that I had just taken out this morning so they could put a chair in to haul some General around tomorrow. Looks like the General will have to find another plane.

Got paid about 4:30 pm. Got a little over $380. That brings me up to date for all my back pay. Next pay should be between $300 and $350 with all the deductions. My actual gross pay this month was $422. I'll definitely be sending some money home soon. Can't have all this money on me.

Got three letters and a tape today. Just made a recording of the rain pounding on the tin roof. It's raining buckets. So at the beginning of the next tape you get that loud rushing sound it will be the rain and not something wrong with your tape recorder.

Getting ready to start another great month. June has always been a good month. Think positive. You've got nothing to lose. The weather will be good. You will catch lots of fish. You will back the trailer straight down the ramp. And who cares what anybody thinks. Have a good time and smile.


(read the next letter home)